Global Running Day

I’m not going to lie, I was completely unaware of Global Running Day until Sunday.

But I think it’s awesome. Shocker, since I write a blog about running, I know.

So, in honor of Global Running Day, I thought I’d share a few reasons why I run.


To Feel Strong

If you’ve never struggled through and finished a hard run, or pushed yourself faster than you think you can, or made it to the top of that hill without walking, or run in spite of a hundred reasons to stop, you don’t know what you’re missing.

Running makes me feel strong the way almost nothing else does. This applies physically. Case in point: I had a 13 mile long run a couple weeks ago. I ran 13.1 and did it in 1:59:23. That feeling is unbelievable.


To Think

I know it sounds weird but there is no better way for me to work through something than going on a run. It’s the one place where I can think things through clearly. This is especially important when it comes to writing. I love to write for fun and running offers an outlet for beating writer’s block.

Running is also one of the few times I can truly live in the moment. Meditation and savasana in yoga are a big struggle for me because I can’t focus on the present when I’m just sitting or laying down. With running, I can live in the moment and that makes a huge difference in my stress levels.


To Feel Good

Yes, I’m talking about the elusive runner’s high. It’s not as if I finish every single run and am on cloud 9 for the rest of the day. The runs that have that effect are few and far between. But I finish every run happier and less stressed than when I started.


Is running hard? Does it leave you out of breath, lungs burning? Does it give you blisters and chafing and horrifically tangled hair? Does it make you question your ability at every stage? Do you ever feel like you’re going to die?


But it also makes you strong. It teaches you to push yourself and not to give up on yourself. It can teach you how to be present and let your mind work through the hard stuff. It can leave you exhausted, aching, sweaty, sunburned and absolutely, unapologetically happy.

Happy Global Running Day, beautiful humans,



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